Spankbang Search Videos API

The Spankbang allows users to search for adult videos from based on specific criteria.

Base URL



GET "/spankbang/tags"

Returns the list of available tags for searching videos.


  • search (required): The search query for videos.
  • tag (optional): The tag/category for filtering videos. Default is 'hot'.
  • count (optional): The number of results per page (default: 10).

List of Available Tags

  • hentai
  • 3d hentai
  • hentai anime
  • hentai game
  • hentai english
  • cosplay
  • hardcore
  • cam
  • gay
  • lesbian
  • bisexual
  • gangbang
  • masturbation
  • blowjob
  • asian
  • filipina
  • indian
  • brazilian
  • japanese
  • bdsm
  • car

Sample Request

Searches for adult videos based on specified criteria.


Sample Response

  "api_name": "Spankbang Search Videos",
  "author": "OpenAPI",
  "api_type": "NSFW",
  "searchQuery": "blowjob",
  "tag": "hentai",
  "count": 10,
  "videos": [
      "url": ",1718918690&m=45&d=1&_tid=12964514",
      "time": "17:12",
      "title": "Succubus Hentai"
      "url": ",1718918691&m=36&d=2&_tid=10783022",
      "time": "102:41",
      "title": "Hentai Tentacle Compilation"
      "url": ",1718918691&m=49&d=1&_tid=12741868",
      "time": "52:12",
      "title": "Hentai Milf Compilation"

Error Handling

400 Bad Request: Returned when the "search" parameter is missing or empty.

{ "error": "Search query is required." }

400 Bad Request: Returned when an invalid tag is provided.

{ "error": "Invalid tag provided. Available tags are: hentai, 3d hentai, ... ." }

500 Internal Server Error: Returned for internal server errors during video retrieval.

{ "error": "Internal server error." }


  • This API is for adult content (NSFW).
  • The number of videos returned per page can be controlled using the "count" parameter.
  • Available tags for filtering videos are provided in the /spankbang/tags endpoint.