Meal Recipes API

The Meal Recipes API allows you to fetch meal recipes by name.

Base URL



  1. GET `/meals?name={meal_name}`: Fetches meal recipes by name.

Sample Request

GET ``

Sample Response

  "meals": [
      "idMeal": "53065",
      "strMeal": "Sushi",
      "strDrinkAlternate": null,
      "strCategory": "Seafood",
      "strArea": "Japanese",
      "strInstructions": "STEP 1\r\nTO MAKE SUSHI ROLLS: Pat out some rice. Lay a nori sheet on the mat, shiny-side down. Dip your hands in the vinegared water, then pat handfuls of rice on top in a 1cm thick layer, leaving the furthest edge from you clear.\r\n\r\nSTEP 2\r\nSpread over some Japanese mayonnaise. Use a spoon to spread out a thin layer of mayonnaise down the middle of the rice.\r\n\r\nSTEP 3\r\nAdd the filling. Get your child to top the mayonnaise with a line of their favourite fillings – here we’ve used tuna and cucumber.\r\n\r\nSTEP 4\r\nRoll it up. Lift the edge of the mat over the rice, applying a little pressure to keep everything in a tight roll.\r\n\r\nSTEP 5\r\nStick down the sides like a stamp. When you get to the edge without any rice, brush with a little water and continue to roll into a tight roll.\r\n\r\nSTEP 6\r\nWrap in cling film. Remove the mat and roll tightly in cling film before a grown-up cuts the sushi into thick slices, then unravel the cling film.\r\n\r\nSTEP 7\r\nTO MAKE PRESSED SUSHI: Layer over some smoked salmon. Line a loaf tin with cling film, then place a thin layer of smoked salmon inside on top of the cling film.\r\n\r\nSTEP 8\r\nCover with rice and press down. Press about 3cm of rice over the fish, fold the cling film over and press down as much as you can, using another tin if you have one.\r\n\r\nSTEP 9\r\nTip it out like a sandcastle. Turn block of sushi onto a chopping board. Get a grown-up to cut into fingers, then remove the cling film.\r\n\r\nSTEP 10\r\nTO MAKE SUSHI BALLS: Choose your topping. Get a small square of cling film and place a topping, like half a prawn or a small piece of smoked salmon, on it. Use damp hands to roll walnut-sized balls of rice and place on the topping.\r\n\r\nSTEP 11\r\nMake into tight balls. Bring the corners of the cling film together and tighten into balls by twisting it up, then unwrap and serve.",
      "strMealThumb": "",
      "strTags": null,
      "strYoutube": "",
      "strIngredient1": "Sushi Rice",
      "strIngredient2": "Rice wine",
      "strIngredient3": "Caster Sugar",
      "strIngredient4": "Mayonnaise",
      "strIngredient5": "Rice wine",
      "strIngredient6": "Soy Sauce",
      "strIngredient7": "Cucumber",
      "strIngredient8": "",
      "strIngredient9": "",
      "strIngredient10": "",
      "strIngredient11": "",
      "strIngredient12": "",
      "strIngredient13": "",
      "strIngredient14": "",
      "strIngredient15": "",
      "strIngredient16": "",
      "strIngredient17": "",
      "strIngredient18": "",
      "strIngredient19": "",
      "strIngredient20": "",
      "strMeasure1": "300ml ",
      "strMeasure2": "100ml",
      "strMeasure3": "2 tbs",
      "strMeasure4": "3 tbs",
      "strMeasure6": "1 tbs",
      "strMeasure7": "1",
      "strMeasure8": " ",
      "strMeasure9": " ",
      "strMeasure10": " ",
      "strMeasure11": " ",
      "strMeasure12": " ",
      "strMeasure13": " ",
      "strMeasure14": " ",
      "strMeasure15": " ",
      "strMeasure16": " ",
      "strMeasure17": " ",
      "strMeasure18": " ",
      "strMeasure19": " ",
      "strMeasure20": " ",
      "strSource": "",
      "strImageSource": null,
      "strCreativeCommonsConfirmed": null,
      "dateModified": null


  • idMeal: The ID of the meal.
  • strMeal: The name of the meal (e.g., Sushi).
  • strCategory: The category of the meal (e.g., Seafood).
  • strArea: The area or cuisine type of the meal (e.g., Japanese).
  • strInstructions: The cooking instructions for the meal.
  • strMealThumb: The URL of the meal's thumbnail image.
  • strYoutube: The URL of a YouTube video showing how to prepare the meal.
  • strIngredient1 to strIngredient20: Ingredients used in the meal.
  • strMeasure1 to strMeasure20: Measurement quantities for the ingredients.
  • strSource: The source URL where the recipe was obtained.

Sample Meal

Here is an example of a meal fetched from the API:

  • Name: Sushi
  • Category: Seafood
  • Cuisine: Japanese
  • Instructions: (See the full instructions in the response)
  • Thumbnail:
  • YouTube: Watch Video
  • Ingredients: Sushi Rice, Rice wine, Caster Sugar, Mayonnaise, Soy Sauce, Cucumber, and more (see the full list in the response)
  • Source: BBC Good Food - Simple Sushi

Note: This is just a sample meal. You can fetch meals by providing different names in the request.