Fonti API

The Fonti API allows you to transform text into various styled fonts.

Base URL



GET `/convert?text=your_text_here&font=font_name_here`

Description: Transforms text into styled fonts based on the specified font.

GET `/fonts`

Description: See the list of available fonts.

Query Parameters:

  • text (required): The text to transform into a styled font.
  • font (required): The font style to apply. See the list of available fonts below.

List of Available Fonts

  • mathsans
  • serif
  • handwriting
  • scriptbold
  • script
  • sansitalic
  • outline
  • sansbold
  • bolditalic
  • gothic
  • typewriter
  • square
  • blue
  • widespace
  • lightshade

Additional Converter

  • morsecode
  • binarycode
  • decimalcode

Sample Request | /convert

GET ``

Sample Response

  "author": "OpenAPI",
  "description": "This API converts text into various fonts.",
  "converted_text": "𝐻𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑜",
  "font_used": "script"

Sample Request | /fonts

GET ``

Sample Response

  "fonts": [

Error Handling

400 Bad Request: Returned when the "text" query parameter is missing.

Response Body:

    "error": "Query parameter 'text' is required"

500 Internal Server Error: Returned when there's an issue transforming text into a styled font.

Response Body:

    "error": "Failed to transform text into a styled font"