The Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC), funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), is a nationwide information network that acquires, catalogs, summarizes, and provides access to education information from all sources. The data base and ERIC document collections are housed in about 3,000 locations worldwide, including most major public and university library systems.

Base URL



  • GET /eric-search: Searches for educational resources based on the provided query and returns detailed information.

GET /eric-search

Searches for educational resources based on the provided query and returns detailed information.

Query Parameters

  • q (string): The search query. This parameter is required.
  • count (integer): The number of search results to return (default is 1, maximum is 10).

Sample Request

GET ""

Sample Response

  "query": "education",
  "count": 3,
  "results": [
      "title": "The Impact of Education on Society",
      "publicationDate": "2022",
      "authors": ["John Doe", "Jane Smith"],
      "description": "This paper explores the various impacts of education on society, including economic growth, social cohesion, and individual development.",
      "keywords": "education, society, economic growth, social cohesion, individual development",
      "peerReviewed": true,
      "directLink": "",
      "fullTextLink": ""
      "title": "Educational Reforms in the 21st Century",
      "publicationDate": "2021",
      "authors": ["Alice Johnson", "Bob Lee"],
      "description": "An analysis of the major educational reforms implemented in the 21st century, their successes, and their challenges.",
      "keywords": "educational reforms, 21st century, analysis, challenges",
      "peerReviewed": false,
      "directLink": "",
      "fullTextLink": "No Full Text Link"
      "title": "Technology in Modern Education",
      "publicationDate": "2020",
      "authors": ["Mary Williams", "David Brown"],
      "description": "This study examines the role of technology in modern education and its effects on teaching and learning processes.",
      "keywords": "technology, modern education, teaching, learning, processes",
      "peerReviewed": true,
      "directLink": "No Direct Link",
      "fullTextLink": ""

Error Handling

If there is an error or a required parameter is missing or invalid, the API responds with an appropriate error message and status code.

Additional Information

The API searches the ERIC database and retrieves detailed information about each result, including the title, publication date, authors, description, keywords, peer-reviewed status, direct link, and full-text link if available.