Citizendium Search

Citizendium (short for the citizens' compendium) is an English-language wiki-based online encyclopedia launched by Larry Sanger in 2007.

Base URL


Search Endpoint

GET `/citizendium/:searchKeyword`

Description: Searches for a specific keyword on Citizendium and retrieves relevant information.

Path Parameter

  • searchKeyword (required): The keyword to search for on Citizendium.

Sample Request

GET ``

Sample Response

  "api_information": [
      "api_name": "Citizendium",
      "description": "Welcome to Citizendium, a wiki for providing free knowledge where authors use their real names. We regard information as a public good and welcome anyone who wants to share their knowledge on virtually any subject. ",
      "author": "OpenAPI"
  "title": "Albert Einstein",
  "all_content": "1.1.1 Annus Mirabilis papers\n\n1.2.1 General relativity\n1.2.2 Copenhagen interpretation\n\n1.2.2.1 Determinism\n1.2.2.2 Incompleteness and realism\n1.2.2.3 Summary\n\n\n1.2.3 Bose-Einstein statistics\n1.2.4 Einstein refrigerator\n1.2.5 World War II\n1.2.6 Unified field theory\n\n1.2.2.1 Determinism\n1.2.2.2 Incompleteness and realism\n1.2.2.3 Summary\n\n2.1 Religious views\n\n2.1.1 Quotations on religion\n\n\n2.2 Scientific philosophy\n2.3 Political views\n\n2.1.1 Quotations on religion\n\n4.1 Entertainment\n4.2 Speculation and controversy\n4.3 Personal relations\n4.4 Licensing\n4.5 Honors\n\nAlbert Einstein (Ulm, March 14, 1879 – Princeton, April 18, 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist. Popularly regarded as the most important scientist of the 20th century, he formulated the special and general theories of relativity, and made important  contributions to both quantum theory and statistical mechanics. While best known for the Theory of Relativity (and specifically mass-energy equivalence, E = mc²), he was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect in 1905 (his \"wonderful year\" or \"miraculous year\") and \"for his services to Theoretical Physics\".\n\nHis world fame in physics began in the early 20th century when indisputable evidence supporting his ideas became available. Analysis of the  May-1919 British solar-eclipse expeditions confirmed that light rays from distant stars were deflected by the Sun's gravitation, just as predicted by the field equations of general relativity. Once the results of the analysis were accepted,  The London Times ran the headline (on November 7, 1919): \"Revolution in science – New theory of the Universe – Newtonian ideas overthrown\" and Albert Einstein became a global celebrity, an unusual designation for a scientist. In popular culture, the name \"Einstein\" has become synonymous with great intelligence and genius.\n\nH2: Biography\n\nEinstein was born on March 14, 1879 in the city of Ulm in Württemberg, Germany, about 100 km east of Stuttgart. His father was Hermann Einstein, a salesman who later ran an electrochemical works, and his mother was Pauline, née Koch. They were married in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt. Albert's family members were all non-observant Jews and he attended a Catholic elementary school. At the insistence of his mother, he was given violin lessons. Though he initially disliked the lessons, and eventually discontinued them, he would later take great solace in Mozart's violin sonatas.\n\nWhen Einstein was five, his father showed him a small pocket compass, and Einstein realized that something in \"empty\" space acted upon the needle; he would later describe the experience as one of the most revelatory events of his life. He built models and mechanical devices for fun and showed great mathematical ability early on.\n\nIn 1889, a medical student named Max Talmud (later: Talmey), who visited the Einsteins on Thursday nights for 6 years,[1]\nintroduced Einstein to key science and philosophy texts, including Kant's ......

The response includes detailed information about the search keyword from Citizendium.

Error Handling

500 Internal Server Error: Returned when there is an issue processing the request or fetching data from Citizendium.

  "api_information": [
          "api_name": "Citizendium",
          "description": "Welcome to Citizendium, a wiki for providing free knowledge where authors use their real names. We regard information as a public good and welcome anyone who wants to share their knowledge on virtually any subject.",
          "author": "OpenAPI"
  "error": "An error occurred while fetching the data"